Into the Cannibal’s Pot:Lessons for America from
Post-Apartheid South Africa

Over and above industrial-scale mass murder of individual people—Israel is engaged in the eradication of Gazans as a People ~ilanaIf Israeli society is sick; then so are its cobelligerent backers and boosters ~ilanaInarguably, to condemn Israel’s industrial-scale campaign of slaughter and starvation in Gaza ought to be ethically ...[MORE]

To refuse to bear witness to the prosecution of Total Warfare against Gazans is to be inhuman, insane, incoherent. To the Greek philosophers, to be mired in such contradiction was to be less than human, less than coherent, less than sane ~ ilana (12/2023)If you know in advance that your actions ...[MORE]

Dead in the ruins of Gaza is the Israeli collective conscience—together with thousands-upon-thousands of Gaza’s civilians; dead or displaced for decades to come ~ilanaTo refuse to bear witness to the prosecution of Total Warfare against Gazans—also the defining event of 2023 and the decade, twinned with COVID—is ...[MORE]

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Racism Is A Thought ‘Crime.’ Thought Crimes Are The Prerogative Of A Free People, By ilana mercer


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NEW ESSAY is "Campus Kids Could Deliver Gaza From The Great & Little Satan." It is currently a main featured on The Unz Review.Excerpt:American foreign policy is a museum of horrors in which Gaza 2023/2024 is the main exhibit.It is my conviction that Gaza is much more than ...[MORE]

Over and above industrial-scale mass murder of individual people—Israel is engaged in the eradication of Gazans as a People ~ilanaNEW ESSAY in its totality is on The Unz Review: "Israel: In Violation Of God’s Law, Natural Justice, The Laws Of War & All Customary International Humanitarian Law."AND ...[MORE]

Total War: Total warfare is a war ... against any and all ~ilanaTo refuse to bear witness to the prosecution of Total Warfare against Gazans—also the defining event of 2023 and the decade, twinned with COVID—is to be inhuman, insane, incoherent. To the Greek philosophers, to be mired in such ...[MORE]