As that most American of crime writers, Raymond Chandler, counselled, ‘It never pays to let the enemy make all the rules.’ And Israel is the enemy, the enemy of humanity ~ilanaI grew up decades back in the Middle East, when the American Empire was still nascent. Backed by the USSR (...[MORE]

The IDF’s ‘Aktion’ in northern Gaza resembles nothing short of the ‘liquidation’ of the ghettos of East Europe ~ilana Israelis and their lickspittles pitch a fit when the language of the Nazi Holocaust is applied to the genocide Israel is perpetrating upon the Palestinians. So here goes:The northern ...[MORE]

You don’t negotiate with Charles Manson, John Wayne Gacy and Jeffrey Dahmer… You stop them.As fast as a snake’s thrust, Israel has taken the methods of mass murder used against Gaza’s civilians to the West Bank, to Lebanon and Syria, to Yemen and beyond. It is ...[MORE]

Genocide is a crime, ‘the crime of all crimes.’ It stands alone; no mitigation or extenuation attaches to genocide ~ilanaBecause it is an indefensible crime for which there are no extenuating circumstances or traditional defenses—genocide is neither war nor war crime ~ilanaIF it is portrayed as a war crime; ...[MORE]

Crime is SOP (Standard Operating Procedure) for the Israeli army. Yes, do not dub a first-degree felony a 'war crime.' A crime is a crime is a crime. A criminal is a criminal. A serial killer, state or lone actor, must be stopped ~ilanaLike Israel’s genocide in Gaza, ...[MORE]
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