- Woke: “This is the new woke reality: You apologize for not being stupid and immoral; you justify and defend not turning physically decrepit in your later years.”—ILANA Mercer, “Mercer Uninterrupted Physical Continuum In Response to Libel,” July 31, 2023
- DemonCrats: “Not nearly enough is said about the DemonCrats’ sexual politics. Twerking tush in front of school kids is indecent exposure. It used to be illegal, certainly and indisputably immoral. There used to be laws prohibiting the wearing of sexual prostheses in public and dangling them in front of others, much less minors. But thanks to the Democrats’ sexual proclivities and politics, we have other-gendered people inflicting their kinks on kids, under the guise of education. The same American children can’t read, write or do arithmetic, but are No. 1 in pornography and Critical Race Theory.”—ILANA Mercer, “Say It! The DemonCrats Are The Party Of Perverts,” October 27, 2022
- DemonCrats: “Invite adult onanism and sexual acting-out into the schools. Break down boundaries of propriety—those between generations, between what is public and what has always been private; between what is proper and improper; legal and illegal: That’s the DemonCrats distilled.”—ILANA Mercer, “Say It! The DemonCrats Are The Party Of Perverts,” October 27, 2022
- “The Woke Universe is about inverting reality—turning truth, morality, ethics, and aesthetics on their heads, and destroying every categorical imperative bequeathed to us by the ancients. The goal? To make The World safe for Ugly, Evil, Idle and Aberrant.”—ILANA Mercer, Twitter, June 7, 2022
- Progressivism: “Since the term ‘virtue signaling’ has become a cliché—a term insufficient to the task—let me offer an improvement. The progressive’s preening aims to emphasize his or her own providential purpose in the universe. To that end, progressives like to discredit the rest of us.”—ILANA Mercer, “‘Tarded’ Medical Idiocrat Won’t Treat ‘Unscannables’ Like Me,” April 21, 2022.
- “In case you’re not awake to it, woke is the current state-of-being in America. In particular, to be woke in America is to be anti-white and to be anti-white is to be woke. More so than ‘in’ and ‘hip’—to be woke is existentially important; it will often determine whether one gets and keeps a job, a social media account, even a bank account.”—ILANA Mercer,“Exporting Wokeism,” January 13, 2022
- “Wokeism is an increasingly entrenched, coercive system of largely pigment-based prejudice and persecution.”—ILANA Mercer,“Exporting Wokeism,” January 13, 2022
- “A single mother is a term the Left, and now the thoroughly co-opted Right, has adopted to glorify unmarried mothers and fatherless ‘families.’ It was meant to excise the father from the picture and undermine the nuclear family.”—ILANA Mercer, “Rising Republican Rotters To Look Out For,” February 11, 2021.
- “The pronoun psychosis amounts to a nihilistic quest to break down the systems of classification bequeathed to us by the ancients. More fundamentally, the world is filled with categories of discrete entities. To make sense of the world, we’ve ordered it in a certain way. Comes the postmodernist progressive and tells us that there are no categories, everything is intersectional and fluid.”—ILANA Mercer, “Is Israel Racist? A Reply To An Anti-Semitic Writer” (Part 2), December 10, 2020.
- “The duped, historic majority of the United States will willingly cede political and institutional dominance in return for the constitutional safeguards—for the abstractions—offered by democracy. This, Democrats know only too well.”—ILANA MERCER, “D’oh! Looks Like Democracy Dies In Diversity,” American Greatness, January 30, 2020
- “Misguided, mediocre and frightfully monolithic minds are monopolizing one of the Internet’s most powerful, intellectual means of production: Twitter.”—ILANA MERCER, “The Anatomy of a Twitter Blocking“—My Own,” WND.COM, June 27, 2019.
- “The pale, liberal patriarchy is a pioneer in forever scrutinizing itself for signs of racism and deficits in empathy toward ‘The Other,’ while readily accusing others of the same. It’s as though liberal men derive erotic pleasure from prostrating themselves to assailants and ceding to racial claims-making.”—ILANA MERCER, “Better Orbán than Corbyn,” The Quarterly Review, April 30, 2018.
- “The liberal program aims to dissolve ‘the constitution of man’ in the service of sexual sameness. It is predicated on the imbecilic belief that biology is incidental, and that men and women are essentially interchangeable.”—ILANA MERCER, “Are Liberal Pervs Sexually Obsessed With Refugees?”, Constitution.com, April 27, 2018.
- “Liberals have developed a utopian vision of how nature should behave. It must remain in perfect balance. To that end, they’ll exterminate harmless critters that violate the liberal idea of Order; of species correctness. For example, when a delightful flock of gentle conure parrots made San Francisco’s Telegraph Hill its home, radical environmentalists demanded the flock be exterminated because it wasn’t indigenous. While animals may not migrate illegally, or disrupt the preordained ‘natural’ order—liberal central planners encourage non-indigenous peoples to mess with the social habitat of historic, host populations. Provided they’re Caucasian.”—ILANA MERCER, “Is Diversity Driving A Decline in White Population?” WND, April 19, 2018
- “When they grow up, organizations like Microsoft want to be the government.”—ILANA, “High-Tech Traitors Are Social Justice Warriors 1st; Businessmen 2nd,” The Liberty Conservative,” February 21, 2017
- “Would that our high-tech executives were just businessmen vested in the wealth of their shareholders. That would be a blessing and a good thing. The truth is that tech traitors are true believers, radical leftists; social justice warriors, vested in the engineering of tribalism (‘multiculturalism’) and racial favoritism (‘affirmative action’) in the workplace.”—ILANA, “High-Tech Traitors Are Social Justice Warriors 1st; Businessmen 2nd,” The Unz Review, February 17, 2017
- “The Left’s delayed Russophobia is about a century too late.”—ILANA MERCER, “The Proof is Not In The Putin,” The Daily Caller (December 16, 2016)
- “Conservatives have taken to speaking the postmodern gibberish once associated mostly with the pseudo-intellectual Left. Did you know that ‘Trump ‘Otherizes’ others,” as one pig-ignorant, conservative panelist prattled?”—ILANA (March 4, 2016)
- “According to liberal liturgy, if not for largely exogenous circumstances—all human beings would be capable of similar accomplishments. Many a co-opted scientist will second the political dictum that there is no such thing as general intelligence. Speak, if you must, about the phenotype—even genotype—of all individual traits other than intelligence. As for the possibility of group genotypic intelligence: Don’t go there!”—ILANA (September 18, 2015)
- “Ask any left-liberal American Jew if he supports a ‘Right of Return’ to Israel proper for every self-styled Palestinian refugee, and he’ll likely recoil: ‘Are you meshuga? Never! That’s a euphemism for Israel’s demise.’ The very thing he rejects for Israel, the liberal Jew is inclined to champion for America: a global right of return to the US for citizens of the world.”—ILANA (August 8, 2014)
- “The liberal, typically, detests a debate about substance, for it demands an intellectual argument. Rather, he is compelled to score silly points about style, for that sanctions his emotional approach.”—ILANA (April 12, 2013)
- “Prosperity and penury do not turn on gyno-centric and gay matters. But leftist statists and libertarians of the left place these wedge issues at the forefront of the fight for freedom.”—ILANA MERCER, “Beware Of Liberals In Libertarian Drag,” November 8, 2013.
- “Every bit as bad as liberals, ‘libertarian’ political operators are prepared to shed political blood over any imagined sign of bigotry.”—ILANA MERCER, “Beware Of Liberals In Libertarian Drag,” November 8, 2013.
- “Britain has morphed into a nation of sheep and shopkeepers, whose vaulting ambitions were on display during the opening ceremony of the 2012 Olympics. I am referring to the song, dance and Hosannas the host country gave to its National Health Service, or NHS.”—ILANA (August 10, 2012)
- On the Military: “One can’t expect members of a liberal organization—in structure and philosophy— to adhere to strict codes of conduct. Liberalism is about license and lenience. Disciplined, buttoned-up soldiers are bound to become an anomaly among America’s progressive fighting forces.”—ILANA (December 28, 2010)
- “As night follows day, progressive policies lead to a regressive society.”—ILANA MERCER, (May 28, 2010)
- “Socialism is secondary to state squandering—and a consequence of it.”—ILANA (February 20, 2009)
- “The liberal West honestly believes that bad leaders are what shackle backward peoples.”—ILANA (January 9, 2009)
- “Be it in Africa or Arabia, liberals labor under the romantic delusion that the effects of millennia of development-resistant, fatalistic, superstitious, and cruel cultures can be cured by an infusion of foreign aid, and by the removal of the Mugabes and Haniyas of the respective regions.” (January 9, 2009)
- “Liberals are always exalting man’s basest instincts and debasing his most exalted achievements.”—ILANA (2007)
- Liberals retain a totemic attachment to the Freudian idea that traumatic toilet training is destiny.”—ILANA MERCER (December 29, 2004)
- “Liberals can always be trusted to see God in Mumia Abu-Jamal and the devil in the Pope.”—ILANA (April 29, 2005)
- “The only kind of marriage liberals had ever glorified is the gay kind. But thanks to Michael Schiavo, the sanctity of marriage is fast becoming a liberal sacrament, with the proviso it has to involve ‘mercy killing.’ It took Michael Schiavo’s devoted efforts to starve and dehydrate his wife to restore liberal faith in the institution.”—ILANA (March 26, 2005)
- What distinguishes civilized beings from animals, primitive societies, and liberals is that they don’t see nature as an exemplar of all that is fine and good. To the contrary: the civilized don’t abandon the burdensome or the enfeebled to nature. When some of us do, others will always strive to rescue them.”—ILANA (March 26, 2005)
- “Evidence that primitive societies abandoned their enfeebled members to ‘nature’ only intensified the liberal’s Rousseauist reverence for this practice, as the case of Terry Schiavo showed.”—ILANA (March 26, 2005)
- “Left-liberals … believe a judicial activist is someone who reverses precedent. George Bush thinks a judicial activist is someone who disobeys the President.”—ILANA (October 3, 2005)