- “Self-deprecation over nothing much at all amounts to very clever self-aggrandizement.”—ILANA MERCER, “On The Backs Of Poor Whites? How J.D. Vance Elites Become Elites,” April 20, 2021.
- “Symbolism is not reality. What you see in an ink-blot test is not real. It’s rarely even an approximation of reality. A Rorschach assay amounts to artistic license the tester takes with his subject’s reality.”—ILANA Mercer, Institutional Critical Race Rot,” September 17, 2020.
- “In a free society, the patient is sovereign. America is founded upon the idea of individual rights. The individual charts his destiny, not the doctor. On his death bed, the patient should be able to decide whether to try a promising but unproven palliative therapy.”—ILANA Mercer, “Kung Flu Is A Killer, All Right, But So Are The Bureaucrats,” April 9, 2020.
- Coronavirus: “The depraved calculus that went into advising Americans initially, and unintuitively, not to shield viral entry points—mouth, eyes and nose—was purely utilitarian. It stemmed from a fear that, by protecting their health, citizens would contribute to scarcity and undermine the health of healthcare workers. Sold to the public as settled science, the initial mask fallacy-disguised-as-policy was social engineering for the sake of resource conservation.”—ILANA Mercer, “Kung Flu Is A Killer, All Right, But So Are The Bureaucrats,” April 9, 2020.
- “The Center for Disease Control: A cumbersome bureaucracy, which tightly controls both testing capacity and criteria. Such centralization is everywhere and always detrimental to the screening and segregating of the infected, and, ultimately, to [coronavirus] disease containment.”—ILANA Mercer, “Unmasking Statist, Socialist Propaganda About ‘Face Masks’,” March 5, 2020
- “Guns are not the root cause of man’s evil actions. Neither are the multiplying categories of manufactured illness in the psychiatric Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. Rather, evil is.”—ILANA Mercer, “Conservatives For Abolishing The Fact Of Evil,” October 9, 2015
- “Evil is integral to the human condition, always has been, always will be. Evil can’t be wished away, treated away, medicated away or legislated away. Evil is here to stay.”—ILANA Mercer, “Conservatives For Abolishing The Fact Of Evil,” October 9, 2015
- “The psychiatric endeavor—voodoo, really—is premised on the medicalization of misconduct.”—ILANA (July 17, 2015)
- “The most famous advocate of the-Camel-Ate-My Homework theory of criminal culpability is Barack Obama. Obama’s flabby assumption has it that the poor barbarians of France’s burbs have been deprived of fraternité. ‘Europe needs to better integrate its Muslim communities,’ lectured the president.”—ILANA (January 30, 2015)
- “The victims of killer Adam Lanza have become a sideshow in the nation’s pornography of grief. Tragedy is denuded of any dignity, reduced to a showy public affair to be managed by the Managerial State’s media and medical lapdogs.”—ILANA (December 21, 2012)
- “I commend Mr. Sheen for copping to being a bad boy, and not a sick boy desperate for the ministrations of prissy prohibitionists.”—ILANA (March 4, 2011)
- “A mushy-headed maxim held in the US is that to be a victim of crime, terrorism, one’s own stupidity is to be automatically conferred with oracular wisdom.”—ILANA (December 31, 2010)
- “The end result of positively reinforcing bad behavior is that you get more of it. The culmination of a failure to punish predators is a debased, dissolute, slum-dog society in which, by legal decree, the righteous suffer and the wicked prosper.”—ILANA (May 28, 2010)
- “To listen to the nation’s psychiatric gurus is to come to believe that crimes are caused, not committed. Perpetrators don’t do the crime, but are driven to their dirty deeds by a confluence of uncontrollable factors, victims of societal forces or organic brain disease.”—ILANA (April 20, 2007)
- “Police and campus authorities responded to Cho’s stalking, pyromania, and voyeurism by medicalizing his misbehavior. As the nation’s pseudo-experts generally advise, Cho was referred to a mental health facility.”—ILANA (April 20, 2007)
- “The Drew Pinskys of the world conjure so-called mental diseases either to control contrarians or to exculpate criminals“—ILANA (April 20, 2007)
- “If the consensus in society is that doing the bare minimum is an act of supreme courage; then failing to perform basic obligations must be considered the norm.”—ILANA (February 2, 2007)
- “It is an error to use the disease paradigm to describe or explain errant behavior.”—ILANA (January 2007)
- “Liberals first, and conservatives in short succession, have taken to the idiom of disease like ducks to water. Left and right now insist, based on wispy pseudoscience, that just about every human excess is an illness as organic as cancer or diabetes.”—ILANA (August 4, 2006)
- “According to the disease theory of delinquency, the arsonist has ‘pyromania,’ the thief ‘kleptomania,’ and Bill Clinton is not promiscuous, but a ‘sex-addict.’”—ILANA (August 4, 2006)
- “At the root of the diseasing of behavior is the eradication of good and bad. Placing bad behavior beyond the strictures of traditional morality, moreover, makes it amenable to external, ‘therapeutic’ or state interventions.”—ILANA (August 4, 2006)
- “In the ‘progressive’s’ universe, evil actions don’t incriminate, they mitigate. Rather than signify a lack of moral fiber, the criminality of the darling buds of France—her raging Muslim youths— is said to be a symptom of inadequate freebies and fraternité.”—ILANA (November 11, 2005)
- “Someone is considered creative and strong in the Zeitgeist not when she builds an empire and employs hundreds of people, but once she has conformed by gaining therapeutic ‘self-knowledge’ and whimpering on Oprah. In fact, the therapeutic creed is often used to coerce people into conformity.”—ILANA (Everyman: A Men’s Journal, April-June 2005)