CarolAnneGotbaum – ILANA MERCER Wed, 15 Jan 2025 16:42:05 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Eric Garner 100% Innocent Under Libertarian Law Fri, 12 Dec 2014 09:13:55 +0000 Eric Garner was doing nothing naturally illicit when he was tackled and placed in the chokehold that killed him. It can be argued, if anything, that Garner was being entrepreneurial. He had been trading untaxed cigarettes in defiance of the state’s “slave patrol” and “Comrade” Andrew Cuomo’s “Cigarette Strike Force,” in the words of liberty’s [...Read On]

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Eric Garner was doing nothing naturally illicit when he was tackled and placed in the chokehold that killed him. It can be argued, if anything, that Garner was being entrepreneurial. He had been trading untaxed cigarettes in defiance of the state’s “slave patrol” and “Comrade” Andrew Cuomo’s “Cigarette Strike Force,” in the words of liberty’s Don Quixote, William Norman Grigg.

Had Garner’s naturally licit trade not been criminalized by today’s Tammany Hall, he’d be alive today.

“Garner,” wrote Grigg, “had suffered years of pointless and unnecessary harassment by the costumed predators employed by the New York Police Department,” when he declared, minutes before he was killed: “Every time you see me, you want to mess with me! I’m tired of it! It stops today!”

Noted Grigg: Eric Garner’s exasperated proclamation ‘It stops today!’ is cognate with ‘Don’t tread on me.’

The killing of Eric Garner was caught on camera and uploaded to YouTube. A grand jury, however, failed to see what was as plain as day to everyone else as well as to the city medical examiner. An autopsy revealed that the Garner death was a homicide, brought on, July 17, by “compression of the neck and chest, along with Garner’s positioning on the ground while being restrained by police.”

The footage also shows that the cops who jumped Eric Garner with such enthusiasm were oblivious to his repeated pleas for air. Neither was an attempt at resuscitation commenced once they realized Garner was unresponsive. Instead, the cops panicked, barking orders at observes to disperse.

Garner’s manner of death conjures the manner in which Carol Anne Gotbaum met her untimely demise, in 2008. Gotbaum, a petite, 45-year-old slip of a woman—she weighed 105 pounds—was likely asphyxiated in Phoenix’s Sky Harbor airport by some corpulent cops. She had become distraught—not dangerous—after she was detained at the airport and not permitted to proceed to her destination. Unhinged, Gotbaum took off down the concourse hollering. She was quickly scrummed by meaty policemen, tackled to the ground, a colossal knee jabbed into her skinny spine. Gotbaum was then thrown in a holding cell, where she was shackled and chained to a bench. Minutes later Gotbaum was dead. Her bruised body was autopsied. As inevitably as water spiraling down a plughole, the police were exonerated. Famous forensic pathologist Dr. Michael Baden said: “… the most likely cause of death has to do with asphyxia and could be a result of too much pressure on her chest when they were putting on the handcuffs and the shackles.”

Carol Anne Gotbaum was white. Cops are equal-opportunity offenders. Factoring into account the disproportionate representation of blacks among the population of law-breakers, cops aggress against whites and blacks more or less equally. (Except that whites don’t riot and loot.)

Not to be conflated are the cases of Eric Garner and Michael Brown, of Ferguson fame. While the evidence of police wrongdoing in Garner’s death is incontrovertible, the reverse is true in Brown versus Officer Darren Wilson. As the evidence shows, Michael Brown initiated aggression. He had aggressed against the store keeper and the policeman, who protected himself from this rushing mountain of flesh.

In libertarian law, the individual may defend himself against initiated aggression. He may not initiate aggression against a non-aggressor. Whereas Brown was stealing cigarillos; Garner was selling his own cigarettes. Eric Garner had aggressed against nobody. The “law” he violated was one that violated Garner’s individual, natural right to dispose of his own property—”loosies”—at will.

In libertarian law, Garner is thus 100 percent innocent. For the good libertarian abides by the axiom of non-aggression. When enforcers of the shakedown syndicate came around to bust him, Garner raised his voice, gestured and turned to walk away from his harassers. He did not aggress against or hurt anyone of the goons.

To plagiarize myself in “Tasers ‘R’ Us,”“Liberty is a simple thing. It’s the unassailable right to shout, flail your arms, even verbally provoke a politician [or policeman] unmolested. Tyranny is when those small things can get you assaulted, incarcerated, injured, even killed.”

Again: Garner had obeyed the libertarian, natural law absolutely. He was trading peacefully. In the same spirit, he turned to walk away from a confrontation. Befitting this pacific pattern, Garner had broken up a street fight prior to his murder.

The government has a monopoly over making and enforcing law— it decides what is legal and what isn’t. Thus it behooves thinking people to question the monopolist and his laws. After all, cautioned the great Southern constitutional scholar James McClellan, “What is legally just, may not be what is naturally just.” “Statutory man-made law” is not necessarily just law.

Unlike the positive law, which is state-created; natural law in not enacted. Rather, it is a higher law—a system of ethics—knowable through reason, revelation and experience. “By natural law,” propounded McClellan in “Liberty, Order, And Justice,” “we mean those principles which are inherent in man’s nature as a rational, moral, and social being, and which cannot be casually ignored.”

Eric Garner was on “public” property. Had he been trespassing on private property, the proprietor would have been in his right to remove him. However, Garner was not violating anyone’s rights or harming anyone by standing on a street corner and peddling his wares—that is unless the malevolent competition which sicced the cops on him has a property right in their prior profits. They don’t.

©ILANA Mercer
Junge Freiheit, Quarterly Journal, &
December 12, 2014

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Congress: Call Off Your TSA Attack Dogs! Fri, 12 Nov 2010 00:00:00 +0000 When the large African-American woman ─ in the employ of the American taxpayer to torment the same subjects at the Miami International Airport ─ summoned me with a crooked finger for a pat down, I thought of the film “Midnight Express.” And in particular, the scene where Billy Hayes’ far-from-delightful Turkish jailer schemes to enjoy [...Read On]

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When the large African-American woman ─ in the employ of the American taxpayer to torment the same subjects at the Miami International Airport ─ summoned me with a crooked finger for a pat down, I thought of the film “Midnight Express.” And in particular, the scene where Billy Hayes’ far-from-delightful Turkish jailer schemes to enjoy some time alone with the young American. My tormentor wore the same sadistic, atavistic expression. Her giant digits were soon upon my chest and between my legs.

In front of me, a frail woman was struggling to stand upright as the same goons, brows furrowed, studied her walking stick for traces of semtex. Once I had reached the safety of a privately operated cafe, I watched the agents of the Transportation Security Administration lunge at a middle-aged man’s groin.

Most recently ─ and to banshee yelps of, “We have an Opt Out!”, “Opt Out!” ─ the TSA attack dogs swarmed a young woman by the name of Meg McLain, who had declined the ostensibly optional full-body scan. The TSA’s website describes its scanners as consisting of “two types of imaging technology, millimeter wave and backscatter.” With the aid of stimulus loot, this rogue agency has acquired an additional “450 advanced imaging technology units,” which, of course, are “safe for all passengers,” tiny and tall. “The technology meets national health and safety standards,” we are assured.

A cursory perusal of the literature on the cumulative effects of ionizing radiation confirms that there is no consensus about this modality’s safety. However, truth in the TSA universe is adjudicated by coercion ─ by forcing a captive audience to choose between the Scylla of the scan and the Charybdis of the “enhanced pat down.”

Properly cornered, Ms. McLain was escorted to a cordoned-off area. “This girl here has all kinds of opinion on how we’re doing our job, y’all,” boomed one of McLain’s TSA masters. Heeding the call of the wild, this employee’s manager left, only to return with a dozen cops to backup the seven pack animals already snarling at the young woman. As the malicious, out-and-out assault on her person and property continued, Ms. McLain soon found herself cuffed, her belongings confiscated, and her ticket ripped to shreds in malicious spite. She knows not how close she came to being seriously hurt for her defiant speech. (Ask the grieving family of Carol Anne Gotbaum, who met her demise not in a Pakistani or Saudi airport, but in Phoenix’s Sky Harbor.)

The attractiveness variable is, however, a statistical outlier; a red herring that should not form the focus of an uprising at the airports. To counter the salacious, if spurious, sexual angle, the TSA could easily produce accurate evidence of the equal number of attacks perpetrated on feeble, little old men and their wives. It would appear that this cross-section of the population is as likely to be targeted by TSA terrorists as is the attractive, distaff demographic.

I’ve watched dozens of documented attacks, or accounts thereof, on YouTube. If the footage is at all representative, attractiveness is not the salient feature of the victims. The sex-appeal tack will, invariably, invite evidentiary exculpation: “See, I attacked grandpa, too; I’m all about the random.” You don’t want the TSA’s hounds to be fair in their pursuit of the American people; you want them to cease and desist it. And you want individual culprits and their higher-ups publicly exposed and punished.

If the countless YouTube clips I’ve cringed through are in any way typical occurrences – then what we have here are affirmatively appointed federal recruits, loosed upon meek, mild-mannered, mainstream Americans. What is salient about the assailed is that they are, from what I’ve observed, members of the pilloried and pliant majority.

This onslaught is a quest for submission, not sex.

Temperamentally unsuited to obedience is Michael Roberts, a pilot. One does not expect CNN’s Kiran Chetry to ask the right questions, but Mr. Roberts, who flies for ExpressJet Airlines, certainly volunteered the right answers. He refused the full body scanner. Like Ms. McLain, Mr. Roberts was ushered into the untouchable’s zone (for “secondary screening”), where his privates were to be palpitated. He declined.

“I am not comfortable with being physically assaulted by an agent of the federal government on my way to work, in violation of the Fourth Amendment and other constitutional provisions,” is how this laudable American put it. “These bullies tried to have their way with me, and I took my case to the street.”

The YouTube “street” served as a venue for another gentleman, this time from Portland. He vented his distress at having his wheelchair-bound mother being ordered to “spread-eagle against the wall,” in preparation for the ministrations of the TSA’s resident Mengele. The Portland complainant implied that the courtesy of preventative and indefinite detention ─ a police-state tactic introduced by the now-celebrated George Bush ─ could well have been extended to his poor parents. He makes a good point.

A not-so-young-and-pretty woman is forced to remove her nipple rings. A seventeen year-old frequent flier is made to expose her prosthetic leg, and groped for good measure, on each and every trip she takes as she tours the country with a church choir.

The Chicago-based CBS2 TV station films a palsied old man quivering in his wheelchair while being manhandled in plain view. A large African-American woman watches on from her position within the privileged, screening pen.

“I have power, I have power, I have power,” bellowed one such TSA “supervisor” at Robert Perry, aged 71, who protested having his pants pulled down in public. Mr. Perry’s artificial knee had set-off the metal detector. This served as a cue for the cattle prodders to pounce.

America’s airports are ugly, militarized places. As I write, malicious assaults on person and property are underway there, carried out by the detritus of humanity, and with federal imprimatur. The TSA workforce manning crucial sections of the air terminals reflects the federal government’s legislated preference for angry minorities. Each one of these workers seems singularly intent on exacting revenge upon his or her perceived oppressors. The alternative media (Anderson Cooper and his ilk are excluded) must insist that these perpetrators be tagged, collared, and impounded.

The triumphant Republican majority in Congress claims to have a new-found affinity for freedom. The first order of business for this crop of congressmen is to stop the en masse molestation of the population.

November 12

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Don’t Tase Me, Big Bro Fri, 15 Aug 2008 00:00:00 +0000 Baron “Scooter” Pikes had been confined, cuffed, and was non-confrontational. There was no need to kill him. Nevertheless, Scott Nugent, a Louisiana police officer, stunned Pikes repeatedly with a Taser. The man was dead “before the last two 50,000-volt shocks were delivered,” surmised CNN. An autopsy revealed no evidence of drug use in Pikes’ system—he [...Read On]

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Baron “Scooter” Pikes had been confined, cuffed, and was non-confrontational. There was no need to kill him. Nevertheless, Scott Nugent, a Louisiana police officer, stunned Pikes repeatedly with a Taser. The man was dead “before the last two 50,000-volt shocks were delivered,” surmised CNN. An autopsy revealed no evidence of drug use in Pikes’ system—he had been detained for possession. Nugent was indicted this month on a charge of manslaughter.

The Taser X26, “once playfully dubbed the ‘Thomas A. Swift electric rifle’ (after the exploits of the fictional Tom Swift, a teenage inventor made famous in a series of juvenile adventure novels published from 1910 to 1941),” has become a fixture in the increasingly fractious interactions between the police and the people. Tasers are now “fired more than 620 times a day and have been used a total of more than 680,000 times worldwide.” This, according to an exposé in the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers’ Spectrum magazine.

“Research by the Police Executive Research Forum has raised the concern that multiple activations of Tasers may increase the risk of death,” cautions Sandra Upson in the IEEE Spectrum. Unlike medical devices, “Tasers don’t have to undergo testing … at least not in the United States. Even if Tasers are proven to be entirely safe,” Upson worries that “there’s the bigger question of whether the stun guns encourage police brutality. A Taser shock leaves almost no visible scarring or bruising, as a clubbing or a beating typically would. Could the absence of physical scars lift a psychological restraint on officer behavior?”

Put it this way: When, as Matt Garfield of The Herald wrote, “a 75-year-old woman who refused to leave a nursing home where she had gone to visit an ailing friend” is stun gunned; or when a university student is shocked for aggressively quizzing his Highness Sen. John Kerry; or, when a 14-year-old harmless skateboarder is thrown to the ground and threatened by a pig of a policeman—abuse is afoot. When another three, even bigger, pigs hand over an 18-year-old high-school boy, arrested for speeding, to a group of feral felons, who then rape him to shreds—it is then that you know each one of us is in danger of becoming “the State’s bitch.”

Who can forget how “The Homeland Security State” came together in all its brutality to extinguish the life of the fragile Carol Anne Gotbaum? Gotbaum met her demise not in a Pakistani or Saudi airport, but in Phoenix’s Sky Harbor. The petite 45-year-old, who weighed 105 pounds, became distraught—not dangerous—when she was detained at the airport and not permitted to proceed to her destination: an alcohol rehabilitation clinic in Tucson. Unhinged, Gotbaum took off down the concourse hollering. Was this unstable woman soothed by savvy PR professionals? Not on your life. Gotbaum was scrummed by meaty policemen, tackled to the ground, and a knee jabbed into her skinny spine.

She was then thrown in a holding cell, where she was shackled and chained to a bench. Minutes later Carol Anne Gotbaum was dead. Her bruised body was autopsied and the police exonerated, naturally. Famous forensic pathologist Dr. Michael Baden said: “If she asphyxiated, someone else did it … the most likely cause of death has to do with asphyxia and could be a result of too much pressure on her chest when they were putting on the handcuffs and the shackles.”

In mitigation, it has been suggested that rampant displays of excessive force might be indicative of poor training. Somehow the sight of a burly brute standing over a helpless, slip of a woman screams sadism more than sloppy training.

“In the United States, about 670 people die each year under police restraint, according to the U.S. Department of Justice’s Bureau of Justice Statistics,” confirms the IEEE’s Mark W. Kroll.”These incidents include arrests and attempts to control an uncooperative person who needs medical assistance, as well as suicides after arrest. … One study found that 100 percent of in-custody deaths involved the use of handcuffs.”

Something has gotten into the country’s lymphatic system—and the infection becomes most apparent in these street-level scuffles between the State and its subjects. We are, it would seem, witnessing a tipping point—an inversion in the existential preconditions for liberty, described by Thomas Jefferson thus: “When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty.”

August 15, 2008

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