Hannity – ILANA MERCER https://www.ilanamercer.com Sun, 02 Feb 2025 17:11:33 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Lara Logan: ‘Conservative’ Media’s Latest Blond Ambition https://www.ilanamercer.com/2019/02/lara-logan-conservative-medias-latest-blond-ambition/ Fri, 22 Feb 2019 07:16:53 +0000 http://www.ilanamercer.com/?p=4400 In 2018, Lara Logan left her perch as foreign correspondent for CBS’s “highest-rated, most profitable and best-known program, ‘60 Minutes.’” She is currently doing the rounds, assuaging “conservative” media’s appetite for celebrity. The latter have a Uriah-Heep like propensity to fawn over swamp-based, defecting, big-name media celebs. It’s as though Logan is job hunting, on [...Read On]

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In 2018, Lara Logan left her perch as foreign correspondent for CBS’s “highest-rated, most profitable and best-known program, ‘60 Minutes.’”

She is currently doing the rounds, assuaging “conservative” media’s appetite for celebrity. The latter have a Uriah-Heep like propensity to fawn over swamp-based, defecting, big-name media celebs.

It’s as though Logan is job hunting, on a blond-ambition tour—for she certainly has no news to impart other than a few banal catchphrases. Logan has “revealed,” first to Breitbart podcaster Mike Ritland, that—OMG! —the media are “mostly liberal.”

Yes, Logan has been pontificating about the tritest of truths: the media are liberal.

Ever in search of defecting celebrities around whom to create buzz, the pack dogs of “conservative” media picked up Logan’s scent and gave chase. Mission accomplished.

In a lovey-dovey, public tête-à-tête, Fox News’ Sean Hannity hinted to his higherups at Fox that they should hire Logan. One wishes they’d do this self-congratulatory cable-news porn behind closed doors. Like we don’t already suffer an abundance of Fake News, No-News and salacious news.

Most remarkable was how quick cons were to decorate Logan with a journalistic purple heart for stating-the-obvious-while-filthy-rich—“a hero, she’s committing professional suicide” went their hyperbole.

Again: Logan left CBS in 2018. She always ran with the intellectual herd. It’s now time to reinvent herself after, likely, blowing up one too many roads.

Is it not obvious that Logan is hoping to fill Megyn Kelly’s stilettoes at Fox News? For there is no way in which she could aspire to emulate old-school journalists like Sharyl Attkisson and Sarah Carter for whom Logan offered plaudits on “Hannity.”

Indeed, it would appear that Logan’s blond-ambition tour is to make herself over in the image of women reporters who’ve always embodied a conservative ethos by doing their work with great refinement. For Attkisson and Carter, it’s about the story; not the cleavage.

Not so with Logan, whose career has been marred by a showy exhibitionism as good as Kelly’s—except that Logan is far and away the less brainy of the two celebrity journalists and the more scandal prone (not that scandal would deter “conservatives,” who’ve practically capitulated to the elastic moral standards of the liberals).

In 2008, the former swimwear model made headlines for her role as … “home-wrecker.” Logan had become embroiled in an affair with a married man, while carrying on simultaneously with talented war correspondent Michael Ware (“just a one-night stand”). Her CBS  employers knew the drill: They relocated their wayward correspondent from Baghdad to Washington.

As implied, “the drill” had been rehearsed. To her newly adoring conservative headhunters, Logan has been professing fidelity to the two-source rule of journalism. You verify a story with two independent, primary sources. Little did Logan’s new lapdogs know that CBS had once suspended her for violating the rule on which she harped with Hannity: verifying the hell out of a story. The acid irony is that, while voicing belated outrage over Fake News media, Ms. Logan was relying on her conservative hosts’ lackadaisical research into her own journalistic failings.

Early 2011 saw the uncritical Logan rush to Egypt to slobber mightily over the revolution in that country. At the time, this writer was castigating media over its sickening sentimentality over Egypt, and the impossibility of a happy ending to their celebrated Lotus Revolution, “in a country that had become progressively more Islamic since the 1950s.”

“Mubarak’s dictatorial powers were directed, unjustly indubitably, against the Islamic fundamentalists of the Muslim brotherhood,” I had averred. “Unjustly, but probably quite usefully—for now, much to the surprise of the American Idiocracy [Lara included], Islamic fundamentalists had won 61 percent of the vote in Egypt’s first democratic election.” Given these facts, any journalist worth her salt would have known how the Lotus Revolution, which is how the West had dubbed the mess in Egypt, would unfold.

Not America’s female reporters. With Lara in the lead, they rushed headlong to Tahrir Square to celebrate Egypt’s democratic spring. It was a macho Muslim affair, in the main. But distaff America insisted on showing solidarity—and way too much skin—to the generic freedom fighters, who, it turned out, doubled up as common-or-garden variety gropers and rapists.

“This is about freedom,” chirped the deeply silly Lara Logan, before the freedom fighters piled up on top of her. The sick, predictable, sexual assault of this poor Pollyanna occurred on “the day Mubarak stepped down.”

Such are the reality flouting fantasies of the prototypical, progressive female! She believes in humanity’s civilizational sameness and acts accordingly. Duly, Logan had to be rescued. Her rescuers were a few clever—presumably local—sisters, who were, no doubt, clad in the traditional nosebags.

Local sisters are not so dumb as to dress like Lara had been dressed in a country in which the majority (82 percent) supports executing adulterers. Left-liberal women of the West imagine they can flit around the Middle-East or Africa as free as birds, burdened only by overwhelming affection for the exotic beings they encounter.

More reckless than heroic.

Her uber-liberal former employers have praised Logan as a “determined and courageous” correspondent, who “never fails to see and report the human side of conflict, including some of the most horrific stories of our time.”

Platitudes are what media, liberal and con, offer about their own drab homogeneity. A fellow South African expat, the well-to-do Lara Logan has not used her influence to expose the horrors unfolding in our homeland of South Africa. Had Logan done so in 2011, she’d have been authentically heroic.

It’s certainly too late for Logan, who’s been mum about the systematic murder of whites in the country of our birth, to be a hero to South Africans.

WND.COM, The Unz Review,
Quarterly Review, Praag.org
February 21

* Image courtesy the wrap.


The post Lara Logan: ‘Conservative’ Media’s Latest Blond Ambition appeared first on ILANA MERCER.
