Year Archives
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Why The H-1B Visa Racket Should Be Abolished, Not Reformed 04/21/2017
What Ivanka Wants, Ivanka Gets 04/13/2017
Africa BC/AC (Before and After Colonialism) 03/26/2017
What Rep. Steve King’s ‘Racist’ Statements Teach 03/19/2017
The Donald Vs. The ‘Deep State’ 03/09/2017
Let Milo Design The Wall 03/02/2017
High-Tech Traitors Are Social Justice Warriors 1st; Businessmen 2nd 02/17/2017
Coequal in Tyranny: The Ninth Circuit’s Rules for Radicals 02/12/2017
Are Liberals Turned-On By Turning The Other (Gluteus Maximus) Cheek? 02/06/2017
Beware The Values Cudgel 02/05/2017
President Trump Vs. The Democrat Dunce-Cap Lobby 02/02/2017
‘Go On Now Go,’ Barack Obama, ‘Walk Out The Door …’ 01/19/2017
Faking History To Make The Black Kids Feel Good (Part II*) 01/14/2017
Helping The Sharpton & Obama Afrocentrism ‘Fade to Black’ (Part I) 01/13/2017
Making America’s Kids Great Again 01/05/2017
Bye-Bye Barack: Loser Fights For Legacy 01/01/2017
A Christmas Snuff Story 12/24/2016
The Proof Is NOT IN The Putin 12/15/2016
The Curious Case Of America’s Waning Whites 12/08/2016
The Third Degree à la Germany: Answering To Junge Freiheit 11/29/2016
Try This on for Anti-Semitism 11/23/2016
A President Who Doesn’t Hate Those People Clinging To Guns & God 11/14/2016
On Voter Fraud (It’s Baked Into The System) And Those Not-So Stupid Trumpsters 11/05/2016
I’m With Her, Against Hillary’s Malevolent Matriarchy 10/28/2016
When America Becomes South Africa 09/25/2016
1 10 11 12 13 14 44 Older Articles